With the Coronavirus pandemic going on in the world, I thought about the relationship of breast implants and general health. Here in BreastEnlargement.name, I have discussed quite a bit about the pros and cons of breast enlargement through cosmetic surgery. Generally, the focus has been on the effects when breast implants rupture. However, breast implant illness can actually go beyond that.
Breast Implant Effects on General Health
The truth of the matter is, breast implants can cause a number of side effects after the surgery is successfully conducted. And there are other health concerns that range from the nuisance to the severe. Beyond the possible mishaps that may occur during the procedure, other factors come into play like allergic reactions and genetic predispositions.
Would you believe there is actually a medical term called Breast Implant Illness (BII)? According to breastcancer.org, BII is the formal term used by physicians in reference to the symptoms that can develop during and after reconstructive or cosmetic surgery for breast implant augmentation. Another term associated with this is Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (aka ASIA), although this is less frequently used.

BII can manifest on the patient’s body, regardless of the type of breast implant used. So whether it is the regular silicone gel-filled variety or the saline-filled smooth version, BII can happen.
As I mentioned, there have been some explorations on this site regarding the possible hazards of breast implants. This one, where we focused on the risks and dangers of breast implants, comes to mind. Revisiting the details, however, can help enlighten us further into the intricacies and possible warning signs. This is particularly important for those on the fence on deciding whether or not to commit to breast implant surgery.
Another point is that it is to help warn those who have already had the procedure and what to look out for.
BII Symptoms
Interestingly enough, the symptoms of BII can vary widely. And some do not even involve the breast or chest area at all! Let us take a look at the possible symptoms:
Anxiety – As this is often a psychological problem, it might come as a surprise. However, it is reportedly a common occurrence for those experiencing BII to have anxiety attacks.
Depression – Similar to anxiety, this may not immediately lead to the conclusion that BII is the cause. However, there is significant factors that point to this, particularly if a major reason for taking the breast implant procedure is due to lack of self-esteem.
- Headaches – Women suffering from BII have shared that migraine-like headaches are not uncommon.
- Joint/Muscle Aches – This can be due to the additional weight in the chest area. As a result, there are pains, particularly in the back and spine. However, it is not unusual for BII sufferers to experience other aches. Some common areas are in the arms and shoulders.
- Memory and Concentration – One symptom of BII that is not apparent is experiencing difficulty with short-term retention. Those suffering from BII have often had some challenges with focusing and studying.
- Sleep Loss – There are women who have stated they find it difficult to sleep. Often, this is due to discomfort in the chest from the breast implants. However, there are also some who find it difficult to sleep without such pain.
- Hair loss – Somewhat of an uncommon symptom of BII, there is a marked similarity in some cases where the hair becomes weaker. There is a theory that this maybe an autoimmune response. This despite the body not going through a rejection of the breast implants.
BII Treatment and Future
Breast Implant Illness is not completely understood, even to this date. There are some strides toward understanding the physical and psychological connection between the breast implant procedure and the patients’ health have been made. However, there is still a lot of ground for medical science to cover regarding these symptoms.
For now, your best course of action is to seriously consider the potential hazardous effects of the Breast Implant surgery before taking it. Further discussion with the physician conducting the procedure should be made before and after. This is to ensure all bases are covered. Finally, consider alternative breast augmentation options, such as creams and pills.
In the end, one should not have to suffer health issues for want of looking and feeling better through breast enhancement.
Random Questions
Symptoms include anxiety, depression, headaches, joint/muscle aches, memory/concentration issues, sleep disturbances, and hair loss. If experiencing these post-surgery, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional.
Replacing implants might alleviate symptoms for some but isn’t a guaranteed solution. Consulting a healthcare provider for personalized advice is essential.
Recovery from Breast Implant Illness varies; some experience improvement after implant removal, while others may require additional treatment. It’s crucial to discuss options with a healthcare professional.
Preventive measures for BII include thorough research before surgery, discussing risks with a surgeon, choosing reputable implants, and staying vigilant for symptoms post-surgery. Regular check-ups and open communication with healthcare providers are also vital.