Brestrogen Review: My Experience…

Brestrogen Before and After Review

Despite being a popular breast enhancement cream now, I had a hard time finding thorough Brestrogen reviews and actual customer testimonials back when I was first introduced to Brestrogen on my natural breast enhancement journey.

See Official Brestrogen Website – Here!

There were a ton of women telling me to “just try it already” but none were actually answering my pressing questions.

Was I really the first one asking important questions like:

  • Is Brestrogen safe?
  • How do you use Brestrogen?
  • What ingredients are used in Brestrogen?
  • What are customers’ before & after result of using Brestrogen?
  • Is Brestrogen really the best breast enhancement cream to massage on to my breasts?
  • How soon can I expect a cup size (or 2 cup sizes) increase in my bustline?
  • Is the Brestrogen breast enlargement cream safe to use for extended periods of time?
  • Are there any negative side effects to using Brestrogen on a daily basis?
  • What if I’m eager and want to use Brestrogen twice a day? Will I see results fater?
  • Etc. etc.

I always was super self conscious about my small (cup size “A”) breasts and remember wanting so bad to increase them a couple cup sizes, but refused to even consider risky breast implants. Yet no natural option I tried (at the time) appeared to be getting me the results I wanted. I was desperate. And so I kept researching and trying every promising natural breast enhancement option I could get my hands on.

This is when I came across Brestrogen…

There wasn’t much credible information about the Brestrogen breast enhancement cream online back then. Sure, there were plenty of so called Brestrogen reviews bragging about the product, but none were actually answering my questions.

So I set out to not only order the now famous enhancement cream directly from the official website, but also try it for myself.

  • No more guessing if it worked.
  • No more reading other people’s opinions about it.
  • No more wondering if it’s use had negative side effects.

But actually using the cream myself while keeping my fingers crossed that I too would see positive results!

I carefully massaged the Brestrogen cream on to my breasts night after night. I was determined to find out if the effects being bragged about in other vague Brestrogen reviews were common and if I too would have a positive experience (and no negative side effects) after two to three weeks.

The rest – as they say – is history. And so is my previous small cup size!

This Brestrogen review is the direct result of my experience and I genuinely hope you glean some insights from me sharing it!

Before I break my testimonial down in more specific details though, let me back up a bit and start this Brestrogen review with some basic facts. So, first…

What Is Brestrogen?

Brestrogen Lotion ReviewMany argue that Brestrogen is the best breast enhancement cream to ever hit the online market. I can not vouch for this claim simply because there are a ton of breast enhancement creams and breast firming lotions being sold today that make similar claims.

And for me to try and review them all would be a nightmare.

Brestrogen is by far one of the oldest and most popular natural breast enlargement creams though that is promising firmer breasts after just a few weeks (not months).

It has withstood the test of time in my opinion and has thousands of happy customer testimonials from around the world to back up the company’s bold claims.

Is it all it’s cracked up to be though? Let’s find out!

Science Behind Brestrogen

When it comes to vitamins, medicine, herbs, creams, etc, I want to know what ingredients are in them that are supposed to help me get the result I want. I refuse to take pills, use creams, or apply lotions that aren’t upfront with this.

I was especially critical of Brestrogen before I spent my money on it: I just really needed to know what the hype was all about!

Theory is all fun and games, but that is not what we’re after. We want bra busting results!

Does Brestrogen really work?

The Placebo Test

We see hundreds of medical studies being done where one group takes the actual product, and the second group takes a placebo. Yet both groups believe they are taking the real product.

Tests are then done over an extended period of time (usually months to years) where both groups consume their respective product (whether real or fake – only the scientists/doctors know who took which). Then at the end of the study, both groups are examined to see if the real product made the difference it claims to make.

Tests like this are especially common in the medical field if and when the product includes a formula or ingredient that is not yet well known to the scientific community. In the case of Brestrogen, I have NOT done a placebo test and neither do I know if such test was ever done.

But hold on. There is another test…

The Ingredients Test

Lucky for us, the Brestrogen cream is made of natural ingredients that are well known in the scientific community. So all we have to do is find out what the formulations are (I break them down below), and then find out what – scientifically speaking – those ingredients are known to do when we apply or consume them.

Placebo tests – and dozens of other tests – have been done separately for each of the ingredients found in Brestrogen and yes, science does confirm that Brestrogen uses legitimate bust boosting ingredients in their serum formula.

What Are The Brestrogen Ingredients

Instead of having a dozen confusing “woowoo” ingredients (that may or may not work), the Brestrogen company has nicely balanced and compacted just two well-known natural ingredients into their cream that – when consumed in moderation – have no negative side effects yet strong positive result oriented potential.

Let’s look at each of them in more detail!

Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria mirifica ingredient facts

Pueraria mirifica is a plant found in northern and north-eastern Thailand and Myanmar. Although the name was first (officially) published in 1952, there are records going back 700 years, indicating the plant had been used for a variety of medical and cosmetic purposes for long before that.

One of the early documents talking about the plant was translated to say “The benefits of this medicine is to support memory, talk big (aka confidence booster), and be able to remember three books of the astrology, make the skin smooth like six year old kid, live more than 1,000 years and parasite diseases are not able to be of trouble.” 

I am certain the emperors in that day consumed a lot of it in hopes of living a thousand years, hehe.

It is said that “… in traditional Thai medicine, it is common to use Pueraria Mirifica as a skin moisturizer, to improve regrowth of hair, to improve body flexibility and sexual performance, and to firm and increase size of breasts.”


What Does Modern Medicine Say about Pueraria Mirifica?

Thanks to modern technology and scientific discoveries (not to mention clinical trials), we now know that Pueraria Mirifica it is an even greater miracle plant than it was ever believed to be.

Aside from helping fight reproductive organ cancers (especially breast cancer), tests proved its use to help regulate hormones, which ultimately helped women (and men) look and feel a lot younger than they actually were.

The estrogen-like advantage of consuming Pueraria Mirifica have shown to positively reactivate the puberty growth hormones that caused our breast tissue to grow when we were teens. 

If you’re wishing for more youthful looking and firmer feeling breasts, this alone is your cue that Brestrogen is for you. Read more here!

Those aren’t the only benefits of the ingredient though. There are plenty more!

Anti-aging Properties of Pueraria Mirifica

When women aged 46 and older started using a Pueraria Mirifica rich product, a clinical study concluded it helped improve hot flushes (which are common among women going through menopause), frustration, sleep disorder, skin dryness, high blood cholesterol, amenorrhea, and other menopause-related symptoms.

If you are in that age group or are approaching that age group, taking Brestrogen is a no-brainer. You didn’t hear that from me though. Consult your doctor or do your own research first!

Another study proved it to be an antioxidant agent that helped slow down (and stop) Alzheimer progression. This partially confirms the ancient findings of it helping memorize entire books.

Various other studies also showed it to increase bone density. Meaning it slowed down (and reversed) bone aging. As you may or may not know, bone loss generally starts to occur at the age of 30 and speeds up as you get older. This literally causes men and women to start shrinking. And once you start shrinking, wrinkles are not far behind.

So if you like the idea of not getting wrinkles or even want to reverse them, using Brestrogen on a regular basis is a good start.

Heck, even if you are just scared of disease carrying mosquitoes, start using Pueraria Mirifica rich products (like Brestrogen). Studies suggest it will kill the mosquitos.

There are at least a dozen more clinically proven benefits that I could list here but you get the point: If you want to firm up and enlarge them boobs, look young and sexy again, you want to use Pueraria Mirifica rich products.

Brestrogen is my #1 choice and gets my highest recommendation!

See Official Brestrogen Website – Here!

Pueraria Mirifica is just the first ingredient found in the Brestrogen cream. It is such a miracle plant that I’m often surprised it’s not yet more popular in western beauty products. I’m assuming it because it isn’t as commercially available yet.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E in Brestogen Reviewed

Vitamin E is a more common natural ingredient. Chances are pretty good that you’re quite familiar with it or know at least one or two things about it. For the sake of this review though – and to understand why Brestrogen would have it as part of its formula – let’s dive into just a few of the key effects it has.

Vitamin E: What Does It Do?

First and foremost, Vitamin E acts like an antioxidant. Meaning it helps balance your cholesterol. So by consuming more of it, you will not only be healthier but will look younger longer as well.

Second, it is such a powerful antioxidant that it can fight off inflammation inside your body as well as on your skin. This not only slows the outer wrinkling process but keeps the heart strong as well.

This is huge: If we are going the be enhancing our physical appearance, the last thing we want is a weak heart. So staying young and healthy while also becoming irresistibly attractive – all while strengthening the heart – is a win win in my books.

It also helps skin regain moisture and elasticity. This is especially the case when used topically in serum or cream form (like that of Brestrogen). It also helps protect our skin from the negative side effects of ultraviolet sunlight rays, thereby – ultimately – protecting us against skin cancer.

Heck, some doctors go as far as to recommend it for people looking to improve the look and feel of their hair, treat sunburns, acne, scars, and even wrinkles.

Similar to Pueraria Mirifica, Vitamin E makes it easier to manage hormone related issues like PMS, weight gain, allergies, urinary tract infections, changes in the skin, anxiety and fatigue. How? By helping our hormones to balance.

That is a big deal. Even if feminine issues aren’t a big deal to you, imagine them becoming even less of an issue.

Can Vitamin E Slow Down Aging?

One could almost argue that it does. At least to an extent!

Doctors go as far as to say that Vitamin E-use may decrease the chances of age-related macular degeneration. In other words, it keeps your eyesight in check. As someone who is half blind on one eye, I have a huge appreciation for this: Gotta do whatever you can to keep those eyes functioning.

Advanced studies show it to also greatly decrease the risk of dementia while lessening the effect of Alzheimer. You and I probably don’t think about either of those much, but if you could – today – invest into the mental health of your future, would it not be worth it?

Again, the list of benefits could go on and on and on, but at the end of the day it comes down to this: Vitamin E will help you live a fuller and more enjoyable life. And yes, it will make you look perkier, sexier and feel younger again.

See Official Brestrogen Website – Here!

I know that is a lot of information to process, so to wrap up my review and customer testimonial, let me just say this: Brestrogen works!!!

Some of the effects mentioned are hard to pinpoint while using this product, but I found after a few weeks of using it, I started to not only feel better, had a natural glow about me, grew firmer breasts, all while drastically increasing the size of my self confidence. I remember it feeling soooo good!

Brestrogen Pros

Brestrogen Pros

The biggest pro when it comes to Brestrogen – in my opinion – is how effective it is considering how affordable it is. Sure the price is not cheap per se, but compared to the price of getting a dangerous implant surgery (which costs 15 to 30 times as much), it is relatively cheap.

The second biggest pro to going the natural breast enhancement route with Brestrogen is that – unlike breast implants – you get used to your enhanced breasts as they fill out and perk up. For me this was as natural as building muscles at the gym.

Here is why this is important: Many women who get breast augmentation surgery, end up having their breast implants removed just because they can not get used to that instant – unnatural – change in their bustline.

This was not an issue with Brestrogen!

Thirdly, despite my breasts having increased in size, my breasts continue to feel normal when touched. If you use Brestrogen to enhance your breasts, you don’t have to worry about losing normal sensory feelings. You most definitely do not have to worry about your breast-skin painfully stretching out of proportion as is quite common with breast implants.

Oh and – since I am still young – if I ever decide to breastfeed, I know my milk ducts are undamaged and therefore unrestricted. This is a side effect many women have when going the risky implant surgery route, but is not at all an issue when using the Brestrogen breast enlargement cream (which is made of all natural ingredients).

Brestrogen Cons

Brestrogen Cons

The number one downside to vitamins, supplements, and herbal products like this Brestrogen cream, is that they take time. Often we are so impatient that we want to see results overnight, but natural breast enhancement options just don’t work that way.

Just like how going to the gym did not give me abs within a day, so Brestrogen did not give me a well rounded rack within a day either. It took me two weeks before I saw a noticeable breast size increase and about six months to get the two cup size increase I was after.

Yes, choosing to go the non surgery route can take two to four weeks to start seeing noticeable improvements, but you’d be waiting that period of time anyway (if not longer) if you were to go the implant route (ex: waiting for a consultation, going in for follow-up consultation weeks later, waiting your turn for surgery appointment, healing time, follow-up consultations with possibility of follow-up surgery, etc).

So, although the biggest (and likely only) point against Brestrogen being the fact that it takes time, it really isn’t an issue in my books. In fact, I wish other women too would find joy in regular self care and understand that natural beauty is worth the time it takes!

Will Brestrogen Work for You?

Brestrogen before and afterThe thing with Brestrogen is: It works. Customers swear by it, extensive studies prove the ingredients work, and most important of all, the proof is in the results people are getting when they follow the instructions and apply the cream.

And then there is me… also making miracle breast growth claims!

If you are still unsure, re-read the Brestrogen formula breakdown above to see what scientific studies have to say about it. Then read what other women (and men) have to say about it. Then decide for yourself!


Not only is Brestrogen safe to use, but it’s 100% effective as well. And to boost your confidence in their product, the company is offering a crazy “no questions asked” money back guarantee.

But at the end of the day, the only way to find out for sure if Brestrogen is right for you, is to try it and actually use the cream. – the company selling the serum – makes it super easy for customers to experience the incredible effects of the product without gambling with their money. They are so confident that you will get results that if – after 6 weeks – you decide that the product wasn’t for you, they offer you a money back guarantee. How cool is that?

I remember thinking Brestrogen was expensive back in the day, but in hindsight – now seeing that it allowed me to get my bigger breasts without having to look at surgery as the solution (for which I would have easily paid ten to fifteen times as much with a lot more risky outcome), I wouldn’t hesitate paying it again.

Brestrogen changed my life for the better in so many ways that I could write a book about (maybe I should? hehe).

Anyway… in conclusion: I can’t recommend Brestrogen enough based on what it did for me. So – in my humble opinion – with there not being any risk of making a bad investment on your part, you would be foolish not to at least try and see what Brestrogen can do for you!

I Always Buy Brestrogen Here!

PS: – I just discovered that Brestrogen has a sale going on today. If you’re reading this before midnight Feb 19, 2025 – you’re guaranteed to save upwards to 40% on your first box or 34% when buying 3 boxes (AND get the fourth box for free). Just crazy deals all around today. Congrats!