A recent report on Reuters suggests that women with young children are not going forwards with breast cancer treatment. Reuters Health conducted this study which clearly shows women refusing or delaying treatment because of having young children at home.
It seems that these mothers are skipping radiation treatment due to the amount of time these treatments take. This group includes women who had a tumor removed, and still put off going for aftercare treatment.
The results of this survey showed that 1 in 5 women were missing out on treatments that could potentially save their lives. The reasoning behind this way of thinking is that most mothers consider their child’s needs more important than their own.

Mothers And Breast Cancer Treatment
This is actually a really surprising result because younger mothers have a higher life expectancy rate than older women diagnosed with breast cancer. Researchers are saying that the women do not really understand how important this treatment is.
The group of women who were surveyed includes those who had lumpectomy surgery to remove a breast tumor. This did not include women who had undergone mastectomies. The group consisted of just over 21,000 women who had filed breast cancer forms with their health insurance groups at work.
The required treatment plan consists of a woman going for treatment for one hour at a time for five days a week. This pattern continues for approximately seven weeks.
Barriers For Mothers Seeking Breast Cancer Treatment
Other barriers for women to seek the treatment they need include finances. Those with limited reimbursement amounts on their plans were less likely to continue with treatment than women who were fully covered.
Also, travel distance was also another deciding factor. Those women who had to travel a good distance for each treatment were also less likely to follow through for the required number of weeks.
The view of a lumpectomy, as opposed to a mastectomy, also came into play. Many women just did not view their need as important because they underwent lumpectomy surgery. Regardless of which type of breast surgery a woman has, treatment is vital for both.
Stay Healthy, Make Good Decisions Regarding Breast Health
What this study brings to light is the need for more childcare arrangements that are accessible and affordable. This way if a woman knows her child is well taken care of, she can go to treatment without any worries.
If you are scheduled for any type of breast surgery, it is important that you follow up with treatments afterward. If you do have small children at home, look for help from other family members to take care of them. Remember your children need you even as they get older. Isn’t seven weeks of treatment worth a lifetime with your kids? The answer is a resounding “yes”. We are here to support you and empower you to live a long, healthy life with your kids.

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